
  • Engineered for Production Gel Coats & Weathered Gel Coats
  • Time & Money Saved
  • High Quality Abrasive
  • Clean To Use
  • Reduced Heat Build Up
Profile Premium Liquid Compound is a high performance, water-based cutting compound which removes P1200 or finer sanding marks from production gel coats and painted finishes, and is the perfect solution for restoring oxidised and weathered gel coat surfaces. Great on dark colours, it delivers a high gloss finish and is used as a one step product on white gel coats and as the first stage of a two part compounding process where higher gloss and lower swirl is required.


  • 機器使用
  • 含有顆粒


包裝尺寸 數量 產品編碼 美國編碼
1 ltr 6 PRL101 PRL101
1US gallon 2 PRL106 PRL106

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